The Tecnis™ Multifocal Lens can help cataract patients see at any distance without glasses. But it does more than that. In addition to enhancing near, intermediate and far vision, the Tecnis Multifocal Lens can effectively reduce nighttime side effects such as star bursts and glare.
Tecnis is one of several premium lenses Eye Consultants of Texas offers (or “Premium Smart Lenses” as we call them). These lenses are primarily designed to treat presbyopia that commonly occurs after cataract surgery, but can also occur after age 40. Phillips Kirk Labor, MD is a recognized Tecnis specialist who has performed numerous Tecnis procedures. He is also a leading cataract surgeon who can help cataract patients make the right lens choice.
Is the Tecnis Multifocal Lens right for you? There can be small differences in lens implants that relate to your particular needs. Contact us for an evaluation so we can help you make the right choice.