Whenever you have LASIK or cataract surgery you’re required to have a thorough exam. This should include certain pre-surgery tests related to your specific vision needs. It’s like any surgery: you must be evaluated to ensure there will be no complications. In other words, you must be a candidate in order to have the surgery in the first place.
Your surgeon should also understand your overall health history. Diabetes, autoimmune disorders, lupus or other conditions can be a factor. Your eye health history goes without saying and can reveal other issues that could compromise your safety and overall results.
Pre-surgery testing not only helps your surgeon accurately determine whether or not you should have the surgery, it can provide useful information if you’re found to be a candidate. Testing should be individualized to each patient, and how extensive that testing will be can differ. Surgeons who put your interest and well being first are those that order the most extensive testing appropriate to your surgery needs.
A variety of tests that can be performed, such as tests that provide information about your cornea’s structure and shape; tests to detect irregularities on your cornea’s front surface; and if you’re cataract patient, tests that measure the length and curvature of your eye to determine the power of the intraocular lens implant.
Other tests may be performed related to macular degeneration, analyzing visual outcomes, and evaluating measurements and calculations of the eye.
Quite often, surgery outcomes can come down to the tiniest detail. Whether you’re having LASIK or cataract surgery, choose a surgeon who will take the time to identify those details to predict the absolute best outcome possible. Thorough testing can require longer exam times, but this is small in comparison to the years of better vision you can enjoy.