Brandon Webb and Mike Ritland are retired U.S. Navy SEALs, business owners and authors. Both are well-regarded for their military and post-military accomplishments and have been featured on ABC, NBC, FOX, CNN, BBC, and 60-minutes to name a few.
Eye Consultants of Texas brought Brandon and Mike to Dallas/Fort Worth to speak to our staff and invited guests, including a number of first responders. The event was held at our Grapevine office November 14 and marked a return visit for both gentlemen.
Brandon Webb—now an American writer and digital media entrepreneur—shared stories, experiences and the critical importance of teamwork and focus, whether on the battlefield or caring for patients. His proudest military accomplishment was working as a course manager for the Naval Special Warfare (SEAL) sniper program. Among his students was Marcus Luttrell, author of the best-selling Lone Survivor, also released as a major motion picture starring Mark Wahlberg. Brandon is the author of four books: The Red Circle; Benghazi: The Definitive Report; Navy Seal Sniper; and Among Heroes.
Mike Ritland shared similar experiences and advice, personally and from a canine perspective. It was after witnessing a dog’s lifesaving alert in Iraq that Mike was inspired to work with dogs full time. Today he trains dogs for SEAL teams. He also supplies working and protection dogs to the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs, Border Patrol, TSA, the Department of Defense and individual clients. He has been featured on 60 Minutes, and recently published Trident K9 Warriors: My Tale from the Training Ground to the Battlefield with Elite Navy SEAL Canines.
Mike was also on hand to provide a working dog demonstration. After a brief Q&A session an audience volunteer donned a padded suit for a simulated “attack” by one of Mike’s prized dogs, a Belgian Malinois.
“I’m very grateful to Brandon and Mike for coming here again. I’m even more grateful for what they’ve done for our country, as I am to all men and women in our military,” said Phillips Kirk Labor, MD. “It was particularly fitting to have them here the Friday after Veterans Day.”