Recently, Phillips Kirk Labor, MD implanted Crystalens intraocular lenses in both eyes of a very important person: his wife. A respected physician herself, Dr. Penny Labor expected nothing less than excellence, and knew exactly who to trust. Here is her own firsthand account:
“Many people may think I’m biased since my husband, Dr. Labor, was my eye surgeon. But like so many of his patients, my Crystalens procedure was a life-changing experience not unlike theirs. You see, I’ve worn glasses or contact lenses since I was 5 years old, and had 20/400 vision in my left eye, and 20/200 vision in my right eye. As a radiologist, clear vision is crucial to what I do, so having eye surgery was a big decision, even though the person I trust most in the world was doing the procedure. Recently, I completed two eye surgeries over a 4-week period and my vision without glasses or contacts is better than it’s been my entire life! I now have better than 20/20 vision in both eyes, and the colors I see through my new Crystalens are unbelievable.”
“I may need reading glasses only for very small print, but I know my near vision will improve over 12 months; and, over time, my Crystalens will work better for me every day. I’m definitely going to do everything Dr. Labor says – including my reading exercises – to get the absolute best results. As he does with all of his patients, Dr. Labor ensured I knew everything that was going to happen and what I could expect. I was literally shedding tears of joy at how great I could see right after surgery! Without a doubt, this has truly changed my life.”
If you’d like to know more about Crystalens, or any of our Premium Smart Lenses, call us locally in Grapevine at 817-410-2030. Or email us at