It’s back to school time across Dallas/Fort Worth. It’s also when children often get their eyes checked to ensure there aren’t any vision problems that can hinder learning.
It might be a good time for Mom and Dad to get their eyes checked too, or at least be aware of when they had their last exam. Most eye care experts recommend that adults have their eyes checked every one to three years. How often you get an exam can depend on age, if you wear corrective lenses, and, of course, if you’ve had any vision problems. Like the rest of your body, risk factors can also determine how often you have a check up. For instance, if you have a family history of eye disease, or a chronic disease like diabetes that puts you at a higher risk to develop eye disease.
Vision health has increasingly been linked to overall health as well. According to the CDC, those with vision problems can be more likely to have hearing problems, heart problems, high blood pressure, lower back pain, strokes – even increased risk of falls, injury and depression. While this can be more common in older Americans, regular eye exams may reveal issues early on to minimize or prevent vision problems later in life.
The lesson to moms, dads and all adults is keep your vision in check. We’re located just off Highway 114, convenient to the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.